A One week online FDP on Recent trends in Mathematical modelling and its applications


26 February - 02 March 2024


SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology

Organised by:

Dept of Science and Humanities

Event summary:

The purpose of the FDP was to explore knowledge of Mathematical modelling and its applications. The keynote speakers presented various topics in different streame of mathematics and applications for persistent, real-world issues. Key topics included a discourse on the “Mathematical Analysis of Reaction–Diffusion Equations Modeling with Michaelis–Menten Kinetics and Non Michaelis–Menten Kinetics”,Mathematical Modelling for Digital Authentication,Fuzzy optimization techniques ,Modern optimization techniques in non linear programming,fractal anaysis and its application, Applications of Triangular Fuzzy Number for Uncertain Environment.Overall, this insightful session significantly contributed towards expanding our professional knowledge base in research